Characters in the Story
Geoph Essex is a writer, artist, programmer and performer with a knack for strange and a penchant for funny. He works on novels, graphic novels, comic strips, 3D animation and games, among many other projects.

Clockwark is his ongoing webcomic incorporating one of his favorite storytelling devices: wordless sequential art. (He's a big fan of Harpo Marx, too — he's performed as him, twice.) In the absence of any known written language, Geoph works to make sure the art tells the entire story, making the adventures, the humor, the danger, and the emotions of the characters accessible to any reader, from any country, with any level of education.

You can visit Geoph's primary site, Semper Bufo, for information and news on his other works and projects. Feel free to fill in the form below to get in touch with him.

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